MILF accuses military of violating ceasefire

MANILA, Philippines - The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has accused the military of violating a ceasefire agreement by deploying troops in parts of Maguindanao without proper coordination.

The MILF said Army troops started the “uncoordinated massive movements” in areas close to its forces in the towns of Datu Unsay and Datu Saudi last Saturday.

“The MILF commanders reported that hundreds of Army troops in full battle gear and backed byseveral tanks moved into Barangays Kitango, Tatapan, Kitapok, Maitem a Ig, and Pagatin,” an MILF statement posted on the website read.

The movement, the MILF said, constitutes “a blatant ceasefire violation.”

“The uncoordinated movement can trigger untoward incident and encounter between the government and the MILF forces,” Rasid Ladiasan, head of the MILF ceasefire panel secretariat, said.

Ladiasan said they do not want any tension or confrontation between the MILF and government forces.

The accusation came as the government and the MILF are facing challenges over the passage of the Bangsamoro Law, which will implement the peace deal they signed last March.

Brig. Gen. Carlito Galvez, chairman of the government ceasefire panel, said the troop movement aims to prevent the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) from staging attacks in the area.

The BIFF is a breakaway group of the MILF that opposes the peace talks.

“Our commander explained that it was done to prevent spoilers from attacking,” Galvez said, adding that the security measure was part of preparations for President Aquino’s State of the Nation Address.

Galvez said both parties resolved the matter.

“(The explanation) has been relayed and the MILF understood it,” he said.


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