Man yields 19 sachets of shabu in raid

Ormoc City , Philippines  – Nineteen pieces of small and medium plastic sachets containing white substance suspected to be shabu were confiscated by operatives of the Intelligence Division Management Anti Illegal Drug Special Operations Task Force (IDM-AIDSOTF) during a raid in the room of suspect Rodolfo Bilmoro about 11:50 a.m. Saturday along Mabini St., District 4.

City police director Senior Superintendent Nilo Donaire said Bilmoro, 42, single, and a resident of the said place was raided by virtue of a search warrant No. 35-18-19 dated Nov. 12, by Executive Judge Apolinario Mabini, of RTC Branch 35 for violating RA 9165 or the Illegal Drugs Law of the Philippines.

Police Inspector Ariel Nuñez, chief of the IDM-AIDSOTF of the OCPO told The STAR that a weeklong surveillance of the suspect proved that he is indeed into drug peddling. He said that his operatives conducted tests-buy with the suspect whose items tested positive as shabu during laboratory testing.

A police asset told The STAR that the suspect is the biggest dealer of shabu in the area with a supplier who is said to be a Muslim.

He added that different couriers used by his supplier in delivering the supply to the apprehended suspect gives the local police a hard time for his arrest.

He said most of the items seized by the police during the raid are supposedly a supply for drug users who used to attend local cock derbies.  – Roberto Dejon

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