Balikbayans join bangus harvest in Dagupan

DAGUPAN CITY – About 80 Balikbayan Dagupeños on a grand homecoming, will enjoy a rare chance to participate in an exciting gilon (fishpond harvest) as one of the highlights of their visit here in time for the holidays and fiesta celebration on Dec. 29 here.

Margie Navata, in-charge of the activity, told The STAR that this most-awaited part of the fiesta celebration was prepared for the balikbayan Dagupeños who came from various continents of the world like Australia, Canada, Europe, US, Asia and Africa.

They will converge at the fishpond of Mayor Alipio Fernandez Jr. in Barangay Bacayao Norte, go down the fishpond, prepare the nets to be used then catch as many bangus as they can, which they will later cook for their lunch.

Navata said this project was created by the fiesta executive committee led by Fernandez, the fiesta hermano mayor, Councilor Jose Netu Tamayo and Vice Mayor Belen Fer­nandez who are all giving their full support for this grand celebration dubbed as Pawil Dagupan (Return to Dagupan).

The vice mayor said that after long years of working hard abroad, these balikbayans came home to spend Christmas with their loved ones here and enjoy their reunion with their classmates and friends through events like this one hosted by the city government.

In this activity, Fernandez said they will recall their memorable stay in their native city, which is known as the bangus capital of the World.

Although these Dagupeños have been to many parts of the world, Fernandez said they will never forget the distinct taste of their very own product of bangus.

Gilon symbolizes unity of the people, as those participating have to have synchronize  their acts to have more catch, she said.

In the past years, part of the highlight of the famous summer event Bangus Festival here is the Gilon! Gilon ed Dalan street dancing which is a bangus harvest ritual displayed through a well choreographed dance, while the participants are clad in colorful costumes like the silver bangus.

Also on Dec. 29 around 8 a.m., these balikbayans will participate in a tree planting activity along the de Venecia Highway in Barangay Lucao where their names will be painted on every tree guard.

And at night time on Dec. 30 it’s recognition time and entertainment as well through dances and music at the city plaza for the Parangal Para sa mga Balikbayan as they will partake of a barrio fiesta ambience where the famous native foods like lechon, sorbets, puto bumbong, bibingka, among others will be served.

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