PDEA out to recapture drug suspect

Agents of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) are out to recapture a suspected drug trafficker who escaped from Camp Crame at the height of the Makati mutiny last July 27.

PDEA deputy chief for operations Chief Superintendent Rodolfo Caisip said elements of the agency’s Task Force Magellan is now tracking down Ernesto Lubarbio who had been arrested in a buy-bust operation in Bacoor, Cavite last July 26.

The following day, Lubarbio managed to give his guards the slip during a break in an interrogation session at the Special Enforcement Service Office of Task Force Magellan. The office is located at the compound of the defunct Narcotics Group.

During the buy-bust in Cavite, three kilos of shabu, worth at least P6 million, were seized from Lubarbio.

According to Caisip, the suspect managed to slip out of Camp Crame when he was left alone. He walked away from the office carrying a folding bed to which he was handcuffed.

Following the escape, PDEA chief Director General Anselmo Avenido ordered the filing of evasion through negligence charges against duty officers Police Officer 2 Arnold Lao and Police Officer 1 Ronaldo Toledo. Additional administrative charges are also being readied against them.

"They should have transferred him (Lubarbio) to the detention cell since the investigation was already finished," Caisip said.

Ironically, Camp Crame was on red alert when Lubarbio escaped at about 4 a.m.

However, Caisip was quick to defend sentries posted at Camp Crame’s gates.

"They were not immediately made aware that a suspect in custody escaped. And even if they checked everyone passing through the gates, they would not have recognized him, Caisip said.

To prevent a possible repeat of the incident, Caisip said units that have men in custody at Camp Crame should immediately provide sentries with photographs of the suspects.

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