Closing the distance

MANILA, Philippines - To be honest, we’re not over the passing of Luis Katigbak. We still dream of the stories we could’ve read, the wisdom he could’ve shared with so much happening. We miss him, that’s why any chance to celebrate his life and works should not be taken for granted.

Tomorrow, May 7, colleagues, friends, and fans alike will gather at Blanc Gallery Katipunan to pay tribute to Luis and have one last fundraising sale for his last book, Dear Distance.

As the event organizers said, “More than a launch, we want this event to be a celebration of the life of Luis Katigbak: acclaimed writer, mix tape maker, secret impresario, and Booksale graduate. A good friend to many of us, a great writer by any measure. Friends, colleagues and mentors will be reading from his work and making their own tributes as well.”

If you knew Luis personally or through his works alone, this event offers the chance to see just how many people he’s touched and that though he’s gone, his legacy and stories will live on.


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