Spellbound by 'Godspell'

Celisse Henderson, Hunter Parish, Anna Maria Perez de Tagle and Telly Leung of Godspell. Photo from Vanity Fair

NEW YORK — When a script of the show is bottled up inside an alien’s satchel in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, or when Ben Stiller recites Day by Day while saying grace over meals in Meet the Parents, you just know that the influence of a certain Christ-centric musical has successfully penetrated the mainstream. I am of course referring to Godspell — a show currently enjoying its biggest revival on Broadway since it first opened over 30 years ago.

Watching the two-act piece, there was a charm and profundity to it that drew my attention to the otherwise canonical and borderline antiquated Gospel of Matthew. Godspell, which hails from the same composer of Wicked, Stephen Schwartz, proved a theatrical tour de force — making use of devices such as improv, audience participation and “theater in the round.” For all intents and purposes, it was S.P.I.T. with a touch of Victory Church — which is pretty amazing.

Among those who brought the house down the night I saw the production several months ago were Hunter Parrish from Weeds, Glee’s head warbler Telly Leung, and our woman-of-the-hour, Filipina Anna Maria Perez de Tagle who is kin to Kundiman Queen Sylvia La Torre.

For this Young Star exclusive, we get to know Perez de Tagle who, from Hannah Montana to Camp Rock, has been making joyous waves abroad and doing her Lola Sylvia and her kababayans mighty proud.

YOUNG STAR: Three words that best describe you.

ANNA MARIA PEREZ DE TAGLE: God-fearing, observant, respectful.

Do you think this has a lot to do with your being Filipino?

Of course, I guess I was raised well. I’m the youngest. I’m the only girl. I have two older brothers. So I grew up in a very Filipino household.

So there was adobo and…

Oh, I eat all the Filipino food. My favorite is sinigang.

Did you always want to be a performer?

I grew up watching my grandmother Sylvia La Torre perform onstage. I got the acting and singing bug from her.

Did you ever feel pressure from your family?

My mom and my dad were trying to get me to do something other than acting. They didn’t want me to feel the rejection and the pressure. As soon as I booked Hannah Montana, and more jobs, then (they thought) maybe I made the right decision. (Laughs)

What are three things we don’t know about you?

I’m related to Enrique Iglesias. His mother’s maiden name is Perez de Tagle and my grandfather is a cousin of hers. We haven’t met, though. Also, there’s a sports side to me as well. I grew up skiing in Tahoe all the time. And I didn’t experience my debut when I was 18. But this time, since I’m in New York, and I’m turning 21, I made sure to have a party. We’re renting a yacht to go around Staten Island.

What was it like being cast as a mean girl in Hannah Montana?

I was surprised. That’s completely the opposite of me. I didn’t know where to pull inspiration from other than the girls in my school when I was 14.

What made you audition for the show?

I was always a fan of the Disney Channel. I grew up watching Lizzie McGuire, Even Stevens, That’s So Raven. So when I was given the opportunity, I just did it.

Was it difficult getting in?

I’d say there were about two to three callbacks. My last callback was with the producers, the director, and the head of Disney.

How’d you feel when you stepped into the audition room?

I was so nervous. I’ve never auditioned in my life. And for it to be Disney channel, it was a huge opportunity. But I was very excited.

How has the show changed your life?

It opened many doors. I also did Camp Rock for Disney. I got to meet a lot of people like Miley and Demi, the Jonas Brothers.

What are the Jonas Brothers like in person?

I love them. They’ve adopted me, actually. I’m like the Jonas sister. They’re so sweet. I also love their bodyguard Big Rob.

So you had the chance to tour with them internationally?

We toured South and Latin America. And every country was amazing. We performed in front of 60,000 or 65,000 people every night.

How does one make it in America as a young actress?

I owe it a lot to my musical theater background. It’s nice to go to your local community theater and experience what it’s like. Also, taking a lot of acting classes. Singing lessons, dance lessons.

You’re now in Godspell. Did you have to audition for the role?

At the time, I was in New York for another Disney project. And I was told that Godspell was doing an audition. I went. I prepared a song and a parable of my own. And then I got a callback two days later. I sang Day By Day and On My Own. Then I sang I Enjoy Being a Girl for another callback.

Your callback songs are very Lea Salonga.

I love Lea Salonga! We’re good friends now. She knows my grandmother. We met via Twitter.

You want to be Kim in Miss Saigon someday?

That’s my dream role!

 Last words for Filipinos all over the world?

Dream big. Show business is not all glamour. It’s a lot of sacrifice. Determination. Patience. It’s all about believing in yourself. If you’re Filipino, be proud to be Filipino. We’re world-class. Charice, Lea, Manny Pacquiao — it’s being proud of who you are.

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