Singing for Barack Obama

MANILA, Philippines - I’m like every other 13 year old: I have a passion for singing. It’s the one thing I want to do for the rest of my life, and I will do it for free just because I enjoy it so much! My parents tell me I’ve been performing for half my life (seven years!) but I don’t really know what that means... all I know is that all my memories include performances on different kinds of stages and I want more of that.

I consider myself very blessed because I’ve been given many opportunities. I have to admit I don’t remember all of them; some I recall only through pictures and videos. My most memorable ones are performing in musicals, traveling with my mom to the Philippines, China and the US, performing for the SEA Games in Manila, my first solo concert at the Esplanade and getting featured on Oprah. Those I will never forget. And I have one performance coming up that heads right to the top of that list. In a few days, I get to sing for President Obama.

When my parents first told me I was invited to sing for the APEC, I said, “Okay, cool, is it a new song?” I honestly thought it was a regular corporate event because I did not know what APEC was — until we discussed it in school.

You see, I go to Singapore American School so I have followed closely the election of President Obama — and I love him, everyone in my school loves him. So when I learned that he was coming to Singapore for the APEC, I thought the event sounded familiar. My mom later confirmed that this is the same event I will be singing for and I almost cried. I mean, seriously, what are the odds?

We’ve been rehearsing for almost a month now and it’s the most high-profile event I’ve ever had to do (the Prime Minister of Singapore himself watches our rehearsals). I get to represent the future with the song The Sound of One Song because I am the only “child” soloist in the show. I don’t know if I will get to meet him because I know the security is tight. I pray I will but even if I don’t, knowing that for a few minutes he’ll be watching me and listening to my song is enough. I’m nervous but I’m ready. I know my lines, my blocking, my choreography. Most importantly, I know exactly where President Obama will be seated, and yes, I can see his seat clearly even when the lights are on me... and in just a few days, it will no longer be empty.

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Julie Abueva is the granddaughter of two UP Presidents — Jose V. Abueva (brother of National Artist Napoleon V. Abueva), and first woman UP president Emerlinda Roman. She is the youngest child of Jonas and Regina Abueva.

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