Supreme picks

Be a good Supremo and be part of relief operations

MANILA, Philippines - This week has been a trying time for many of our brothers, as the rage of Typhoon Maring and the monsoon ravaged many homes and flooded many cities. Time and again we face the same disaster control issues, but we’re always glad to help those in need. Schools, local government units, and even bars and clubs are open to receive donations such as food, clothing, medicine, drinking water, and toiletries. It’s all a matter of finding the nearest relief operations. Heck, even McDonald’s is accepting them. It’s these times that we need to be united and share our blessings. Trust us, this good deed is going to make that ramen burger even more rewarding.

Be oh so quiet at the 7th International Silent Film Festival

Amid the thundering typhoon and monsoon (combined!), it’s nice to find a quiet spot to regroup and calm our frazzled thoughts. Luckily, the Goethe-Institut is hosting the 7th International Silent Film Festival, a gathering of curated silent films from the US, Germany, Spain, Japan, Italy, Greece, France, the Czech Republic, and the Philippines. This year’s selections are a mix of genres, from comedy to horror, and will be screened at the Shang Cineplex. As an added treat, the festival will feature Raymond Red’s Kamera Obskura, which won three awards at last year’s Cinemalaya. Accompanying Kamera Obskura are Tomu Uchida’s Keisatsukan (Japan), Aldo De Benedetti’s La Grazia  (Italy), Ernst Lubitsch’s I Don’t Want To Be a Man (Germany), Aldo De Benedetti’s The Phantom of the Opera (US), and José Buchs’ El Abuelo (Spain). The films will be scored by local bands Pulso, Sino Sikat, Composers’ Lab, Jonas Baes, Pierre Oser, Razorback, Earthmover, and Spy. The 7th International Film Festival will be screened this weekend, and the schedule is available at the Shang Cineplex. Admission is free.

Go to Destination Unknown

Charles Buenconsejo is one of this year’s awardees of the Ateneo Art Awards, and it is a deserved win. His keen eye for photography has led to stunning shots, many of them holding a quiet surrealism that unsettles the viewer. His first solo exhibit (which won him his award) “Reality is a Hologram” was borne out of his boredom with photography, feeling that he knew everything there was to know. In “Reality,” he goes past his limits and explores alternate universes, the string theory, and wormholes, citing theoretical physicists Stephen Hawking and Michio Kaku as his influences. The results are an amazing collection of photos. Right after his win, Charles is launching his second solo exhibit, called “Destination Unknown,” with an opening reception next Thursday at the West Gallery. Right now the exhibit is shrouded in mystery, but if the Ateneo Art award is any indication, we know it’s going to be awesome. West Gallery is located at 48 West Avenue, Quezon City.

Have a ramen burger

When a food joint is called Wrong Ramen, you know something’s not going to be right. In keeping up with the name, Wrong Ramen, in partnership with the Umami Hambaagu House, is launching the ramen… wait for it… burger. Yes, the two restaurants are joining forces to combine their signature dishes into a superdish that sounds so wrong… it could be right. Like the infamous cronut, the ramen burger began in New York, and is a hybrid of a, well, ramen and a burger. It’s difficult to imagine what it would taste like, but Wrong Ramen and Umami are letting us try it... for a limited time. For just eight days, the two restaurants will be offering it: Wrong Ramen every Saturday until September 7 and Umami every Wednesday until September 18. The two restaurants will have it from 3 to 6 p.m. and after the time and dates, you will never see it again. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

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Tweet the author @kojibberish.

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