The plight of the style dictator

MANILA, Philippines - While trawling through my favorite blogospheres, I came across an article in The Telegraph with a screaming title that hit too close to home. “Is it possible for an attractive, fashion-conscious girl to be taken seriously?” That made me jerk from my white monitor stupor. Clicked on it but found the article a tad short, I expected it to be some ultrafashyown clacker with a style discourse defense on the pros of towering over other women in four-inch vertiginous heels, but no. Could’ve used a longer one, but then maybe that’s my cue to put thoughts on paper and actually answer it.

First off, the succeeding question to that should be, by whom? By the person she’s about to date? By her work mates? Or people that she just randomly meets? To make it easier, one should just let first impressions win by default. If we can manipulate how others perceive us through first visual, then everybody would just automatically like everyone else. (And there would be world peace.) Everyone has their own pre-conceived notions of what’s cool, what works, and what for them is aesthetically pleasing. So even if you are that ferosh girl elbowing space in this season’s bold shoulder trend or some simple lass shuffling in too comfy Crocs, people will think what they want to think. “That is so ’80s!” for the former, and “Shouldn’t Crocs be just for kids?” for the latter. If you are an attractive, fashion-conscious girl, being taken seriously with just a physical once-over could be potentially near impossible. But then in hindsight, do we really care? It’s not like they’re in a two-meter radius of our personal space, much more an arm’s distance of a conversational slow dance. 

Potential life partners. 

Fashion-conscious girls are often independent, opinionated, and assertive. I think it’s more of the conscious choice of breaking away from the mainstream, defining their own individuality, that makes girls who put an effort in how they look, more forward-thinking. And brave, because if you are a non-conformist, every day is a battle with the so-tired, c’mon-you’re-still-doing-that?-predictable head-to-toe gape/glare eyeball scans. Often times, the style setters are the ones who absorb everything: Internet savvy, bookmarking style sites, and blogs, embracing still the dying art of reading, travelling, shopping, are culturally well-rounded, and are motivated by the fact that they have to be in the pulse and know what’s going on. That, for me, is an interesting woman, not rocket science, but still a force to reckon with. And if a man can’t seem to go beyond his disinterest/intimidation with strong, visually-empowered women who think, then obviously, this is not a match made in style heaven. Believe you me, our men (though they’re a rare breed, I tell you) would go beyond the season’s trends and statement shoes just to see if you are as interesting as how you look. 

Outside the style bubble.

Okay. Even I admit it. Not everyone will get the tailored volume sleeves, the liquid shine leggings, and the dangerously high footwear. But step into HR for a job interview with a conspicuous rework on the ill-fitting blazers and predictable business attire, and you’re sure to own the battle of the wits from the get-go. Innovators (well-informed risk takers who are willing to try an unproven product, in other words, the real FCGs or Fashion Conscious Girls) are only 2.5 percent of the whole consumer chart. The rest will go to work in ubiquitous skinnies, baby tees, and whatever makes them blend comfortably in the background. You are in the upper 2.5 pecent, wouldn’t any company want that?

And of course, the strangers and people that we meet along the way. In events and parties, most style eccentric women come dressed according to the code, showing an all-too- sensible head on their shoulders. First step in showing that fashion does follow rules, albeit in some loophole, around the doctrine kind of way. And FCGs work this to their advantage, they put up their offense and defense. Disinterested people, the ones we probably won’t work with anyway, stay away. And those on the same wavelength, well, they naturally gravitate towards the intriguing. The street-smart always wins points, and witty banter, fodder for extended conversations.

Well, I could go on and on, but I guess my point is as simple as this, my answer is a resounding YES. Look at the fashion editors, my icon Carine Roitfeld, Emmanuelle Alt, Kate Lanphear, Popstars Ri-Ri and a more severe version, Lady Gaga. Everyone takes them seriously. And if somebody doesn’t just because of specific trend-led sartorial choices, even when it’s backed up by an all too interesting intellectual stimuli, then it’s their loss and our gain? C’mon, we’re pushing towards the next decade, and backward thinking like that just regenerates us women into the dark ages. And, if all else fails, we can always sign a petition, maybe a fashionable woman can run in 2010, and then we can take over the world.

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