Margarita Holmes on Pinoy depression

MANILA, Philippines - Ten brave men and women speak out and share their thoughts and experiences with their battles with depression in Dr Margarita Go-Singco Holmes’ landmark book, Down to One. The book was recently launched by Anvil Publishing in Powerbooks Greenbelt and is considered a first in Philippine books.

“Depression is a thief,” says Dr. Holmes. “It takes away your joy, sense of wonder, the taste of your favorite food, even the smell of freshly washed hair.” The goal, therefore, is to fight that thief and take what is rightfully yours, and dispel any preconceived notion about depression that one might have. Holmes gives us a clearer understanding of what depression really is, from a personal perspective, and helps us combat it without any fear.

Down to One will be launched at Powerbook Greenbelt 4 on Nov. 13 at 4 p.m.

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