My Favorite Line


MANILA, Philippines - “You and I are architects of the minute, we build ourselves every moment.” From The Greatest Mystery in the World by Og Mandino sent by Jimmy Garcia.

“Life always waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself at its most brilliant.” From Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coehlo sent by Mary Atienza.

Join the Philippine STAR and Globe’s My Favorite Line contest. We will choose two winners who will get P1,000 each worth of Globe call cards.      

Text your favorite line to 0916-648-6066 with your complete name, the title of the book you got it from and the author. The contest runs until December 31, 2010. Prizes may be claimed at the STAR offices, 13th corner Railroad St., Port Area, Manila. Call 527-7901 to 15, locals 119/120, to make an appointment. Look for Kathy Moran or Boy Suerte.     

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