Nepal teen bestowed world record as shortest living male teenager

Dor Bahadur Khapangi with his Guinness certificate and his older brother Nara
Guinness World Records

MANILA, Philippines — Dor Bahadur Khapangi, a 17-year-old from Nepal, has been confirmed by Guinness World Records to be the shortest living male teenager.

Khapangi was measured by Guinness last March 23, 2022 in the Nepalese capital of Kathmandu, where his height was measured at 2 feet and 4.9 inches.

The world record was made official after Khapangi was given a certificate from the Nepal Tourism Board's Chief Executive Officer Dhananjay Regmi.

"I'm happy that my brother has received a Guinness World Records certificate," said Khapangi’s older brother Nara Bahadur Khapangi, who spoke for his brother at the certificate ceremony since the younger Nepalese is camera-shy.

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The elder son of two farmers said that the record will help further his brother's education; Khapangi currently studies in their village's school, 130 kilometers southeast of Kathmandu.

Khapangi turns 18 in November and will likely still be holding the record then. The previous holder was Khagendra Thapa Magar, also from Nepal, who stood at 2 feet and 1.8 inches —  he unfortunately passed away in 2020 at the age of 27.

When Magar turned 18, he held the record for the shortest living man (mobile) and vacated the shortest living male teenager record now held by Khapangi. To date, that record is held by Colombia's Edward Niño Hernandez with a height of 2 feet and 4.38 inches.

The shortest person in the world remains to be India's Jyoti Amge, who stands at 2 feet and 0.72 inches, and has been in the Guinness World Records since 2009 — she even got inducted into the hall of fame.

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