Baby's first sweet ride

Life is full of surprises. And there’s no finer surprise than seeing the world through your baby’s eyes. It’s like everything’s new again. Each experience — a walk in the park, meeting your neighbor’s dog, a butterfly in the garden — are all new because your baby is seeing it for the very first time. Everything is a wonder for him. And you need to nurture that wonder, which is why there’s Combi to help you care for your little one by giving your baby’s first ever sweet ride.

Over the years, Combi perfected their strollers with their most precious customer in mind: Your baby. Established in 1954, Combi quickly became Japan’s premier supplier of juvenile products. Combi strollers, car seats, high chairs, rocking chairs, among others/ have received high ratings, not just from industry insiders but from the toughest and most important judges of all: moms and their babies.

Gaining inspiration from the medical study of infant positioning, Combi has developed the first ever infant Dacco cushion which supports baby’s head and body in a most relaxed position — just like sleeping in Mom’s arms. More, the Dacco cushion keeps baby secure and comfortable without compromising the movements of baby’s hands and feet. Combi’s new shock-absorbing gel, the Egg Shock, protects baby’s head by absorbing and dispersing impact evenly, ensuring a smooth ride for the baby at all times. 

Combi further provides comfort to the baby with its Air-Through Seat NEO that helps release heat from the seat. The moisture-free, breathable, and washable fabric used ensures greatest comfort to sweaty babies. The strollers’ canopy with mesh window also keeps baby well-ventilated. 

Combi strollers are made of aluminum, very lightweight and sturdy. In fact, it has the lightest stroller on the market today, weighing 9.2 lbs only. Its unique flex fold/flex frame system also allows you to fold the stroller with just one hand, even if you are holding your baby or bag with another hand.

Combi products are available at Hobbes & Landes Fort and Rockwell.

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