Are you ready for Red China?

A bowl of hot soup lends a touch of warmth on rainy days; it can be light or hearty, simple or sophisticated as one wishes. At the newly opened Red China by Super Bowl restaurant in TriNoma, the “Soup Nazi” will have a run for his money as it boasts a soup dish — the Scallops Chicken Soup — that not only warms the tummy, but soothes and refreshes the senses as well.

Served on a white container, the chicken leg is soaked in a clear broth with dates and wolf berries. It didn’t look very appetizing at all, but when I took a spoonful of the broth, the flavor just exploded in my mouth — just like Fizz Wizz candies! Its understated appearance doesn’t give justice to the soup’s depth of flavors.

“The soup is a staple in Singapore. Considered by many as a medicinal broth, it’s great especially if you have a cold, you’re feeling under the weather, or you’ve just given birth. It’s actually my wife’s favorite soup,” shares Richmond “Richie” Yang, managing director, Red China by Super Bowl.

The Scallops Chicken Soup is just one of the many interesting Chinese eats at Red China by Super Bowl as the resto serves up a range of unique and interesting Chinese specialties that are certified hits in Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the Philippines.

Fresh chinese food discoveries

With the brand slogan “Fresh Discoveries in Chinese Cuisine Across Asia,” Red China by Super Bowl lets diners indulge in a range of well-loved Chinese fare from various Asian culinary hot spots.

“With this novel concept, we offer a wide variety of dishes with distinct taste profiles to satisfy different Chinese food cravings — from Singapore’s Roast Chicken in Mala Sauce to Hong Kong’s Bacon-Wrapped Shrimps down to Macau’s famous egg tarts,” enthuses Yang.

For this new undertaking, Yang gets the support of his Singaporean partners who have introduced Chinese dishes that are unique and delectable at the same time.

“We’re presenting food items that most of our customers at Super Bowl have probably not tried before,” notes Bob Vallar, marketing manager, Red China by Super Bowl.

Let’s start with the Roast Chicken in Mala Sauce. Mala sauce, a popular spicy Chinese sauce loaded with Sichuanese peppercorn, chili pepper, and various spices simmered in oil, is used to flavor the plump chicken which is then roasted to perfection. It can really set your taste buds on fire, so if you’re not that “hot” for spicy stuff, just brush off the chili peppers on top. Better yet, opt for Chicken Chop, which is boneless chicken fillet seasoned and breaded, then fried till golden brown.

Red China by Super Bowl uses various Chinese spices such as five-spice seasoning, chili, licorice powder, goji (wolfberry), Sichuan peppers, ginger, and almond seeds to ensure that the taste of the dishes remain true to their Chinese origins.

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“For Red China, we also invested in the Combi oven where we roast and cook some of the dishes in a precise manner. It’s quite expensive though, but it’s worth every centavo. Our kitchen staff also underwent training in Singapore,” shares Yang.

Those who miss the food scene in Hong Kong can have their fill of Hong Kong-style spicy shrimp. Sautéed in garlic, chili fingers, minced black beans, and mixed veggies blended with secret Chinese spices, the flavors of the shrimp pop with every bite. My personal favorite is the Salted Egg Shrimp sautéed in a unique Chinese salted egg batter. It’s sinfully good.

And since the restaurant is managed by the same group behind Super Bowl of China, loyal diners are assured they’ll get their money’s worth.

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Red China is at level 1, M1 Activity Center, TriNoma, QC. For reservations, call or SMS 0917-8818651.

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