Have a healthy Christmas with Walter Bread treats

During the holiday season, gaining weight and losing control over one’s diet has been the perennial problem of the health conscious, weight-watchers and diabetics as sumptuous sweets and fatty foods make up the usual Christmas feast.

Walter Bread rises to the occasion with its array of nutritious bread, which is delightfully healthy and filling.

Walter Co, president of Creative Bakers Company, Inc., makers of Walter Bread, and chef Michelle Dinglasan-Tomacruz of The Cookery Gourmet Catering shares some delightfully delicious bread recipes.

Deviating from the typical yuletide bread staples like queso de bola, ham and the perennial hotdog, chef Michelle suggests more creative and delectable alternatives such as roast turkey, prawn salad, beef tenderloin, blue cheese or even the all-time Filipino favorite kesong puti.    

Walter Bread now offers four different variants of nutritious bread exclusively for the health-conscious and weight-watchers.

Considered a premium product because of its price range, Co says their products are in fact neither expensive nor high-end as some may perceive them to be.

“What the market doesn’t know is that what they are actually paying for in every loaf of Walter Bread is merely the fiber while the bread comes in free,” he explains.

In addition, as the first to introduce sugar-free wheat bread not just in the Philippines but throughout Asia, Co boasts of having the most extensive line of healthy bread in the market, each catering to different tastes, specific lifestyle, and dietary needs.

For white bread lovers, there’s Walter High Fiber Weight Control Bread enriched with oat and vegetable fibers. It is 98 percent fat-free, made especially for those who enjoy white bread but with the same nutritious benefits of wheat bread. With guaranteed four grams of fiber per sandwich serving (two slices), it is the bread with the highest content of fiber available in the market today. 

For diabetics and weight watchers, there’s Walter sugar-free wheat bread and wheat pandesal with zero sugar and zero trans-fat. It has low glycemic index to effectively manage blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Both are enriched with natural fibers and sugar replacers for overall health and physical wellness. 

Those looking for added fiber will surely love Walter Bread’s Double Fiber Wheat Bread Heart Protect with apple fibers to help lower cholesterol levels in the body. It has a subtle sweet note, making it more delightfully delicious than other wheat breads. The natural fibers of wheat and apple perfectly work in tandem for easy absorption of calcium and minerals to prevent osteoporosis and cardiovascular disorders, as well as aid digestion and promote gut and colon health which are also beneficial to glucose metabolism.

Banana hazelnut French toast


6 slices Walter thick slice bread

French toast mixture:

1 egg

1/2 cup milk

1 tsp sugar

6 tbsps hazelnut spread

4 1/2 tsps margarine for frying


33 bananas, sliced

powdered sugar for dusting

maple or pancake syrup

whipped cream


Whisk the egg, milk and sugar in a big bowl.

Spread 2 tablespoons hazelnut spread on one slice of Walter bread (thick slice) and top with another slice. Repeat for the other two sandwiches.

Heat margarine in non-stick pan.

Dip both sides of hazelnut sandwich in egg mixture, one sandwich at a time.

Fry the French toast until crisp and brown, about 1 1/2 minutes on the first side. Flip then fry the second side till crisp and brown also.

Dust with a little powdered sugar. Top with sliced bananas and whipped cream. Serve with maple syrup.

(Makes three servings)

Roast Turkey With Apple Chutney And Gravy


4 slices Walter double fiber bread

roast turkey or roast chicken slices


apple chutney (recipe follows)

Apple chutney:

2 cups coarsely chopped apples

1 tsp finely chopped onions

1 tsp finely chopped ginger

1 cup apple cider vinegar

1 cup brown sugar

2 tbsps raisins

1/8 tsp pepper

1/8 tsp cinnamon

1/8 tsp nutmeg


   Mix all ingredients except for the apples in a sauce pot. Add apples. Cover pot.

Once the vinegar boils, take out the cover and let the chutney simmer for 15 minutes or until the apples are soft. Let cool. Chutney can be refrigerated for one week.

Top the bread slice with turkey. Pour gravy. Top with half of the apple chutney. Top with another bread slice.

(Makes two servings)

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