Papa bares...

Fatherhood means miracles come aplenty in this world every single day.

The presence of fathers is an exact representation that life will be a breeze because in their strong, sinewy hands we learn to walk a great distance, to laugh in times of trouble and to love in moments of defeat.

A father lives up to many a moniker – pillar, provider, protector. He’s the hero who comes to the rescue when anything and everything goes wrong – without counting the cost. Because of the many manly things he does, many times, we get the impression that a father is devoid of emotion. But if we look inside a father’s heart, he, too, is sentimental, full of affection, bursting with joy for every big or small triumph we accomplish; or stashed with pain for every sting that comes our way. Ahh, when Papa bares his soul, you can’t help but melt in his arms.

The joy of fatherhood is what Allure celebrates in this special issue that tells the fatherly stories of Sen. Manny Villar, Presidential son Dato Arroyo, Taguig Mayor Freddie Tinga, Dr. Henry Lu, writer Philip Cu-Unjieng and businessman Mark Dayrit.

Happy Father’s Day! – Bum D. Tenorio, Jr.

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