Filipinas represent: Another Filipina teen Gehlee Dangca to make K-pop debut

Filipina teen Gehlee Dangca (left) joins the eight-member K-pop group Unis, together with another Filipina teen, Elisia Parmisano (right), after the finale episode of the K-pop survival show 'Universe Ticket.'
Universe Ticket

MANILA, Philippines — In a historic moment, Gehlee Dangca joins her fellow Filipina teen, Elisia Parmisano, in debuting in the eight-member girl group Unis after securing a spot during the finale of the K-pop talent survival show "Universe Ticket." 

Gehlee was revealed among the seven others who will join Elisia, who was announced last week as the group's first member. Elisia attained the P-level, the highest level in the competition. 

At yesterday's episode, Gehlee was named along other successful members, namely, Lim Seowon (South Korea), Bang Yunha (South Korea), Nana (Japan), Oh Yoona (South Korea) and Kotoko (Japan). 

Filipino-Korean Jin Hyeon-ju also joins the group. She is half-Filipino, half-Korean.

Initial reports said the group will be handled by F&F Entertainment. 

Incidentally, Elisia is the cousin of Marcus Cabais, a member of Hori7on, a Filipino boy group based in South Korea. Hori7on was formed through the survival show "Dream Maker," produced by MLD Entertainment and ABS-CBN. 

Unis is set to debut this year. 

RELATED: Another Filipina teen Elisia to make K-pop debut

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