DOH to hospitals: Submit reports for COVID-19 allowance release

Department of Health (DOH) Secretary Teodoro Herbosa on July 3, 2023.
STAR/Edd Gumban

MANILA, Philippines — For the speedy release of the unpaid health emergency allowance for health care workers who served during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Health (DOH) urged both private and public hospitals to submit reports pertaining to the COVID exposure of HCWs at least before the year ends.

In a recently released Department Circular, Health Secretary Ted Herbosa said “all remaining COVID-19 Risk Exposure Classification Reports (CREC) shall be submitted to the Health Emergency Allowance Processing System on or before Dec. 19, 2023.”

“It is the responsibility of the head of the facility to ensure the prompt and timely submission of CREC reports within the prescribed period,” he noted.

“CREC reports submitted beyond the prescribed deadline shall be evaluated and processed accordingly, subject to availability of funds for that purpose and Commission on Audit rules and regulations on money claims,” the circular read. “The respective finance offices shall issue a certificate of non-payment, if applicable, for further processing.”

The DOH likewise said that “processing fees incurred for the filing of money claims shall be the responsibility of the health facility.”

Earlier, the DOH announced its commitment to complete the distribution of health emergency allowance for HCWs before the year ends.

At a press briefing a week ago, DOH spokesman Undersecretary Enrique Tayag said that a total of P46.4 billion in health emergency allowance has already been disbursed by the DOH, leaving P15.2 billion to be allocated.

To access claims, Tayag said that hospitals need to fulfill the necessary documentation requirements.

In July, President Marcos issued Proclamation 297, effectively lifting the state of public health emergency throughout the Philippines and nullifying various orders, memoranda and other measures put in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Herbosa though gave assurance that HCWs would still receive their long-awaited COVID-19 allowances.

“All unpaid health emergency allowance for the period of July 2021 to July 20, 2023 shall be processed and paid even after the duration of the COVID-19 public health emergency subject to the availability of funds and existing budgeting, accounting and auditing laws, rules and regulations,” Herbosa said.

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