Malta prince meets with Noy, turns over houses for 'Yolanda' victims

MANILA, Philippines - The head of state of the sovereign Military Order of Malta paid a courtesy call on President Aquino on Tuesday and turned over the houses for the victims of Typhoon Yolanda.

Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta Fra' Matthew Festing arrived in Malacañang before noon and met with Aquino to discuss the bilateral ties between their states.

Fra' Festing then presented to Aquino a symbolic key representing Malta's donation of 700 core shelters to the Philippines.

As a sign of gratitude, Aquino conferred the Order of Sikatuna with the rank of Raja on Festing.

In turn, Fra' Festing conferred on Aquino the order of merit Pro Merito Melitensi, which is primarily awarded to non-members of the Order of Malta.

The Malta prince arrived on Sunday for a seven-day visit to the Philippines. On Thursday, he will visit Basey, Samar to inspect the core shelter units donated by Malta.

Of the 700 shelter units, 540 have been completed, 64 are being built, and 96 will be finished by May.

Malacañang said the Order of Malta, through its international assistance arm Malteser International, has providing aid to the Philippines in terms of health care, hygiene intervention, feeding programs, food supplements, medical supplies and disaster relief and rehabilitation.

"As a Roman Catholic lay religious organization, the Order is widely known for its humanitarian and charitable activities in various parts of the world," Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda said.

Fra' Festing's visit this week marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Malta and the Philippines.

During their meeting, Fra' Festing and Aquino discussed matters aimed at strengthening the bilateral engagement between their people.

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