Still no to Cha-cha – P-Noy

MANILA, Philippines - President Aquino rejected again yesterday renewed calls to amend certain economic provisions in the 1987 Constitution.

“I don’t think they are a necessary detriment to getting foreign investors in this country,” the President told Palace reporters in a chance interview in Cavite, referring to the constitutional prohibition on ownership of land by foreigners.

Aquino cited China, whose economy reached nearly 10 percent even though foreigners are only allowed to lease lands.

The President also cited studies of various chambers of commerce in the country that land ownership by foreigners is “very low on the priority” of economic provisions.

The President’s allies in Congress have renewed their calls for Charter change when the 16th regular session convenes in July.

 â€œThe stand of the President remains the same – that Cha-cha (Charter change) is not a priority of the administration,” deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said in her regular interview with state-run radio dzRB.

The President has been rejecting calls to amend the Constitution since 2010.

Valte also refused to comment on reports that partymates of the President wanted to change the legislature from bicameral to unicameral.

“I do not know. I cannot speak for the individual members of the LP (Liberal Party) nor for the party itself. That will have to be asked to the specific members or to the leaders of the party as to the party stand on Cha-cha if there is any,” Valte said.

Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr. said he would continue to push for charter reforms to help sustain the country’s growth in the long term.

“I’ll push it again in the 16th Congress,” Belmonte said, adding that he would only be supporting amendments to the various restrictive economic provisions in the Constitution to enable the easy entry of foreign investments.

Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile is also for Charter change. He favors amending the economic provisions of the Constitution, particularly the limitations on foreign ownership of lands and companies.

Lack of support

But Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago said any attempt to amend the Constitution under the current administration would not be successful because of lack of support from the President.

Santiago said that even if Congress manages to approve a resolution seeking to amend the Constitution, the financial requirements for the exercise would need the approval of the President.

“Changing circumstances demand a new Constitution. We can’t write a Constitution that will be good for all time,” Santiago said.

Militant farmers assailed the renewed push for Charter change, saying it is bound to fail and will only succeed in igniting people’s resistance.

“Even Aquino and his political allies are divided over the issue of Cha-cha. The Liberal Party is not even a majority in both houses of Congress. This renewed Cha-cha bid will surely fail and will only galvanize people’s resistance,” said Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) secretary-general Antonio Flores.

The KMP called on the people to be vigilant on efforts to amend the Constitution.

“The people should not and will never allow this,” said Flores.

“It is the height of irony and injustice that foreigners will be given full ownership and control over vast tracts of lands while millions of Filipino farmers remain landless. This is not the solution to the worsening hunger, poverty, and landlessness being experienced by the people,” he added.–  With Rhodina Villanueva

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