What is Gelli's favorite food?

Gelli de Belen has made a wonderful act of balancing career and family. She is raising two wonderful sons Joaqui and Julio, has a thriving and successful career and a husband who is very supportive.

On Oct. 24, Gelli will start Gellicious, a TV show that will bring her around places in Metro Manila looking for food, best deals and best buys in gastronomic experience, as well as guide viewers where to dine out. To air on TV5, weekdays from 11 to 11:30 a.m., Gellicious is directed by GB Sampedro. Read on.

If you can cook for somebody else aside from your family, who would that be? 

I would cook for my bestfriends Mina, Candy and Aiko. Although they have individually tasted some of my dishes, I have not cooked for all three of them at the same time. We have always wanted to have an overnight get together in Tagaytay at my place and just relax there. It would be fun to cook for them in that kind of relaxed, stress-free setting. Weird, I guess because we always opt to eat out when we bond.

The food that you would bring if you were stranded in an island?

Rice! It can be eaten alone and matches well with almost anything. Easy to prepare and nutritious as well.

What is your favorite food?

Uh-oh! Chocolates and chicharon! I love, love, love chocolates!

If you were a kitchen utensil, what would you be?

I would be the kitchen shears or at least that’s what I would like to be. People usually think they don’t need it since they have knives to use and grew up being taught how to just use knives for the cutting and slicing in the kitchen, siempre di pa naman masyadong uso before ang kitchen shears. But once you discover the convenience of having a pair in the kitchen, it becomes indispensable, hehehe. Libre mangarap!

What’s the best thing about being a mother?

I have always thought that being a Mom is not a privilege but it is a blessing, an opportunity that I treasure everyday, even when there are crazy days at home, I am still grateful for having been blessed with my sons. The best part is getting to see them grow up to be well-rounded persons, enjoying and thriving, living the life we are able to share with them. It’s the kiss and hug out of the blue that make my day. A couple of years ago, my son scraped his knee but only told me hours later. He said he took care of it already when I asked him why he didn’t tell me sooner. I, of course, barraged him with questions like, “Did you clean it first before you put the band-aid? Did you put medicine after?” etc. To which he replied exasperatedly, “Mom, of course I washed it, did you think I never notice what you do for me when I get a boo-boo?” Then he proceeded to tell me in detail what he did. Medyo “pilosopo” sagot but I was touched. Maybe I was doing something right. It reminded me again how important my role is as a Mom.

Would you trade your work for another?

No. I enjoy my work. I have been blessed with the opportunity to be doing what I love, no trading for me.

The best movie of all time?

Forrest Gump.

If you can compete one-on-one with any single athlete, who would it be?

I am not athletic but if I were skilled, I would like to compete with Manny Pacquiao. I want to find out what makes him the champ.

What makes you happy?

My family. Need I say more?

What is the best place for food on earth?

In my Mom’s kitchen.

Upon arrival at the Pearly Gates, God is waiting, what is the first thing you would say?

Thank you, Lord!

What is your favorite corner in the house?

My bedroom.

How much time do you spend in the bathroom?

Forever, according to my husband.

What is your greatest achievement?

I know cliché na ang sagot na my family, but it’s true. I prayed to God for Him to help me find the right man for me. He not only gave me one, but added two wonderful boys pa.

What is your security blanket?

My husband. He makes me feel safe, and that’s all I need.

The most expensive thing you bought for yourself?

A bag.

What is your early morning ritual?

Wake up at 5:40 a.m., wash-up, bring the kids to school, come home have breakfast or exercise, check my computer etc. It varies if it’s summertime and weekends are different as well.

The biggest challenge you had to face?

Becoming a good wife and a good mother is my biggest challenge, and still is up to now. It is easy to get married and have children, but the life that comes after the wedding and childbirth, does not have a formula or a clear-cut guide to success.

If you can plan your death, how would it be?

A quick and peaceful one but have enough time to say goodbye and thank the people I love.

If you have to eliminate one emotion in your life, what would it be?

Insecurity. It breeds a lot of unnecessary emotions that make one’s life complicated.

What is your idea of perfect relaxation?

Sleep. What could be more relaxing?

If you were a precious stone, what would you be?


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