Robin, Vhong on career beginnings in Us Girls

MANILA, Philippines - Get your fix of nostalgia on Studio 23’s Us Girls tonight at 9:30 as the lifestyle magazine show traces the origin and history of your favorite celebrities and items.

Robin Padilla (left) and Vhong Navarro will share their humble beginnings with Iya Villania, Angel Aquino and Chesca Garcia-Kramer and recount how their careers set off from being ‘nobody’ to local showbiz’s most successful stars.

The Fab Trio will also track fashion designer Frederick Peralta’s road to prominence from being a newsboy and fish vendor to a distinguished stylist.

Meanwhile, take a trip down memory lane and see how the first Marikina-made shoe looked like. Learn how the shoe capital of the country developed into a town of shoemakers.

Finally, Iya, Angel and Chesca will tour the metro to uncover the origin of favorite Pinoy food such as sisig, pancit and native delicacies.

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