Fireworks on my birthday

Birthdays are usually not something I look forward to.

I’ve never really been the type to celebrate or make such a big deal out of my own birthday. It’s ironic because I’ve always wanted to make others’ birthdays celebrated extra special. Other people’s birthdays seem to excite me more than my own.

Last year, I celebrated my birthday in a Filipino restaurant in Glendale, California. I would consider that one of my most frustrating celebrations. My sister couldn’t even sing me a song inside the restaurant’s karaoke bar just because I was underage!

I was a " day late and a dollar short," as my sister always teased me. It just wasn’t quite the right time for me to really party and enjoy my birthday.

It was my birthday a few days ago and I’m finally 21! This was the most anticipated-birthday of the year for my friends and me.

Most of my friends are a few years older than me and we couldn’t be more excited for anything else than bringing me into a bar in the States. I can’t wait!

I’m officially calling this a "forever 21st" birthday. It just seems so much more different to do things when you’re 21.

I feel a bit more responsible for my actions now.

The only thing I really wanted for this birthday was to see fireworks.

I know this sounds weird for some, but this is honestly what I wanted. Having lived in the States for a few years, I only saw fireworks on certain holidays, in certain places, and shown for a very limited amount of time.

I never really got enough of it. I celebrated my New Year’s Eve for the first time in Manila, and the fireworks overwhelmed me. It felt so nice watching all the colorful lights bursting their way up into the sky. It went on for about an hour or so. But I just couldn’t get enough of it.

I really just wanted to see fireworks for my 21st birthday. It symbolized a new chapter in my life just as it meant a new year to look forward to.

It has been raining a lot recently and I didn’t expect, imagine, or even hope to see fireworks up in the sky! But like I said, some people just seem to give a lot of importance to other people’s birthdays. My friends set up a fireworks display. I felt like crying!

Who does fireworks for his birthday? It’s crazy.

I didn’t think my friends took my wish too seriously!

It was amazing. I couldn’t explain how special I felt knowing that the rain didn’t prevent them from doing that for me.

I still have butterflies in my stomach now remembering the moment they surprised me. Now, that was unforgettable!

I couldn’t thank everyone enough for making such an effort to make this celebration special. I’ll be flying back to the States in a few weeks, and I can’t wait to take my sister out to the "21 and over" places. Sigh.

I’m also hoping to run after Brandon Routh, the new Superman, sometime during my trip. I think he’s hot.

The movie was awesome. I actually saw it a few days before my birthday. I’ve always found those superhero movies cheesy, but since I saw X-Men The Last Stand, I became more interested and decided to watch Superman.

I couldn’t really relate much to the story because I don’t really know the background. But I felt the movie was made tastefully you wouldn’t want to miss a minute of it.

I was able to understand the story fully. So hopefully, I find Superman flying around when I go back to the States this time around.

I will also go back to Davao this coming month for a project.

The trip means a lot to me because August is when we celebrate Kadayawan, and it’s been so long since I went back there for the occasion.

It is definitely something I’m looking forward to. I assure you I will tell you all about this trip. Have a Great Sunday!

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