Ochiai shines in Cebu Open Seniors Golf

CEBU, Philippines - Masatsugu Ochiai bagged the overall lowest gross honors in the Cebu Open Seniors Golf Tournament, which ended Friday at the Cebu Country Club.

Ochiai fired nines of 37 and 36 for a gross score of one-over-par 73 strokes. In the front nine, he bogeyed the par-3 3rd hole and also the par-3 5th, but got one back with a birdie on the par-4 6th.

The Japanese player started strong on the back 9, making birdies on the 10th and 11th, before stumbling with bogeys on the 14th and 18th.

Runner-up honors went to Kim Kwang Seok with 74 strokes on nines of 36 and 38.

Larry Ocheda bagged the lowest net honors in the tournament sponsored by the Philippine Sports Commission with his 63 strokes off a gross 89.

The title for the Classic Division (55-59 years old) went to the roaring hot Elro de los Reyes with a net score of 66 strokes. De los Reyes was the overall lowest net champion in last weekend's 5th Amo Cup at Alta Vista Golf and Country Club.

Runner-up honors for the youngest division went to David Lu with 68 strokes.

The champion of the Elite (60-64) Division was Nelson Modequillo with 67 strokes. Masahisa Kawakami bagged the runner-up honors with a net score of 68 edging Felipe Cinco in the countback.

Maximo Tan topped the Statesmen (65-69) Division shooting a net 66 strokes and beating Bobby Barria in the countback. Barria settled for the runner-up honors.

Cesar Libi ruled the Vintage (70 and above) Division with a net score of 69 strokes. Runner-up honors went to Ed Misa with 70 strokes.

The guest division title went to Eric Sendrijas with a net score of 68 strokes. This category is for players, who have not yet reached the qualifying age of 55 years old.

Runner-up honors went to Tata Callora with a net score of 73 strokes.

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