Christmas in tent city still a joyous affair

CEBU, Philippines - Despite the calamities that have happened, evacuees temporarily staying in the tent city at the South Road Properties in Cebu City happily celebrated Christmas.

"Nagpasalamat gyud mi sa mga nihatag og donation," said Marivic Salsosa, 38, from Kananga, Leyte.

She said before midnight of December 24, they received a lot of food.

"Daghan donation. Naay pansit, manok, cake, empanada, tinapay," she said.

Due to the number of donations, there was a lot of leftovers after dinner which they ate for Noche Buena.

"Human panihapon, nangatog mi niya nangmata pag mga alas onse imedya, niya gipangkaon namo ang sobra (for Noche Buena)," she elaborated.

She said that during Noche Buena, they gathered together and talked about their experiences during the typhoon while eating and watching the fireworks display.

"Abi namo di na namo ma-feel ang pasko. Bisag kami-kami lang diri, na-feel namo nga naa'y Christmas," she said while wiping away the tears in her eyes.

She also said even after the Noche Buena there was still a lot of food left.

On Christmas Day, they toured around the city. They went to Cebu City Hall, the Fuente Osmeña rotunda and the Taoist Temple, etc.

Salsa said her purpose of staying in Cebu is to continue the schooling of her children and her nephews who are now studying at the Cebu City Central School.


When asked on their situation in the tent city, she said they are fine but during the day the high temperatures make it very uncomfortable inside the tent.

"Bahalag wala'y suga, naa lang gyud unta mi'y electric fan, " she added.

Donata Bayarong, 55, from Guiuan, Eastern Samar, shared the same opinion.

"Okay na lang pero init gyud sulod sa tent. Unta naa nami mapuy-an nga balay," said Bayarong.

Both Salsosa and Bayarong hope to eventually have a livelihood and a house.

During the day, most of the evacuees stay in the big tent instead of the smaller ones.


In the tent city, there are police personnel present 24 hours a day.

"Naa say mag-roving nga taga-South Road Properties Police ug taga-Mambaling Police Station," said PO2 Jose Rodirick Peñaranda.  — (FREEMAN)


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