NCMF director faces admin raps

CEBU, Philippines - An administrative complaint was filed before the Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas against the director of the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF)-7 for allegedly deducting the salary of lawyer Joyce Moran.

Hermes Avila, husband of Moran, filed a case against Malo Manonggiring for violation of Republic Act 6713 otherwise known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.

Moran was the chief legal counsel of the NCMF.

In Avila’s complaint-affidavit, he said he accompanied his wife to her office to get her salary however, his wife noticed that P4,884.55 was deducted from her payroll.

He added that when his wife asked Manonggiring regarding the deduction, the latter told her that she was absent for two days. He said his wife argued that she was on leave and she still has remaining sick leaves but to no avail.

Avila said he then approached Manonggiring stating that his wife was on sick leave.

However, he said Manonggiring told him that he has nothing to do with it because it was prescribed under the law.

He told the media that though his wife was five months pregnant, she still attended the cases of their Muslim brothers.

Avila said that before he went out of the room, he tapped Manonggiring and said “Sige sir, magkakilala naman tayo. (Okay, sir. We know each other anyway.)” however, the latter told him “Don’t threaten me.”

Avila told the media that he did not threaten Manonggiring and only asked the latter about the deduction.

He said Manonggiring continued to shout “Don’t threaten me,” and everybody heard him.

  In his complaint, Avila said that on September 18, 2012, his wife received an order from Manonggiring “revoking her authority to practice her profession” without valid reasons.

 He said the actuations of Manonggiring were “unreasonable, unfair, oppressive and discriminatory.” (FREEMAN)

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