RH Bill highlighted in Catholic feast

CEBU, Philippines - Just like in the case of the Blessed Virgin Mary, God has the dominion over people’s bodies, unlike what is being proposed by the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill.

Cebu Archbishop and Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines president Jose Palma pointed this out in his homily yesterday as he celebrated mass at the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral in celebration of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

“In Mary, who was chosen by God and saved us from sin through Jesus Christ, we see God’s dominion over us. It is God who controls us,” Palma said. “What is really being proposed in the spirit of RH Bill is that the people can just do anything they like over their bodies, but in the spirit of Christianity we always encouraged to look at the gift of our bodies and God’s plan for it,” he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Speaker Pablo Garcia (2nd District, Cebu Province) said he has records to show as basis for his claim on the existence of a P20 million to P50 million lobby fund for the passage of the RH Bill. In his privilege speech last week, Garcia accused his colleagues of being sponsored by a huge US lobby in pushing for the adoption of a population control measure. Garcia had a press conference yesterday and said he is ready to answer questions any time about his claim.

Garcia, in his press conference, cited the National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 200 which is also known as the Kissingers’s Report adopted as official U.S. policy by President Gerald Ford in November 1975. It was originally classified, but was later declassified and obtained by researchers in the early 1990s.

It recommends the US leadership to “influence national leaders” and that “improved world-wide support for population-related efforts should be sought.

Thirteen countries are named in the report as particularly problematic with respect to U.S. security interests: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil.

Garcia said that aid or any assistance to these countries would be subject to the condition that these countries will institute some population control issues.

Garcia said the US lobby’s main vehicle in Congress was the Philippine Legislators Committee on Population and Development (PLCPD) led by Minority Leader Edcel Lagman. — (FREEMAN)

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