Bimbo still interested in consultancy post?

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu City Council will wait for the decision of Pagtambayayong Foundation Inc. President Francisco “Bimbo” Fernandez if he still wants to pursue his consultancy with the city government after he led the filing of a case against Mayor Michael Rama regarding the plight of the Mahiga Creek settlers.

Last week, the city council authorized Vice Mayor Joy Augustus Young to sign a contract with Fernandez as consultant of Councilor Alvin Dizon, the chairman of the committee on housing.

His contract is supposedly from April 1 to June 30 for a monthly salary of P9,000.

But last week Francisco led the filing of an administrative case against Rama and some city officials for an alleged abuse of power when Rama ordered the clearing of illegal structures at the Mahiga Creek.

The mayor allegedly ordered the demolition but refused to provide financial assistance and failed to provide relocation, which violated the residents’ rights to have shelter, they said.

Filing a case against the head of the local government unit he is working with raised questions from spectators if Fernandez’ consultancy and his recent actions would constitute a conflict of interest.

Young said that he does not think that Fernandez will still sign the pending contract after he sued the mayor.

Besides, Young said Fernandez did not really ask for a formal contract with the city when he started helping the administration of Rama regarding urban poor matters.

“He really did not ask for it. Sige man sya’g tabang sa city and he’s not asking to be paid. Alvin and I pushed for it because the P9,000 will serve as a token of appreciation,” Young said.

Young added that Fernandez does not need a contract with the city to help.

“He is very willing to help and he doesn’t really need any financial consideration from city hall,” Young said.

Fernandez was not available for comment yesterday.  (FREEMAN)

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