Pinamungajan to celebrate Pamuhuan Fest

The local government of Pinamungajan will celebrate its first-ever "Pamuhuan Festival" this Sunday.

Pinamungajan Mayor Geraldine Yapha said the festival is a cultural celebration of the abundance of the land and sea depicted through street dancing.  The festival is in honor of their Patron Saint Sta. Monica.

"Our goal is to make this new event a showcase of our past, present and future as we celebrate the abundance of nature for Pinamungajan's progress", she said.

Yapha said this is their first time to conduct such an activity and it needs a lot of preparation. She also said they always wanted to have a festival.

Val Sandiego, owner of the Sandiego Dance Company, is the festival director of the festival celebration. Sandiego said that it is quite a tough job to conceptualize the whole event especially the choreography.

"I invite you all to the first "Pamuhuan Festival"-a showcase and celebration of Pinamungajan's natural bounty and the Bayanihan spirit Pinamungajanons.  We hope the festival will make more people aware of our town's many products and visit our many beautiful natural attractions in our coastal and mountain barangays," Yapha said.  

Pinamungajan is one of the largest producers of bangus in the whole province of Cebu, which is one of their showcases for the town's festival. -Junel Joe Gato/ CNU intern/BRP

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