Construction worker murdered in Buhisan

A man was shot dead while playing mahjong with his friends in front of a store in sitio Kadasig, Phase 4 in barangay Buhisan yesterday dawn.

The victim was identified as Teogenes “alias Gaga” Rafada, a construction worker and a resident of the place.

He died on the spot from two gunshot wounds, one in the left side of his head and another in his left shoulder.

SPO2 Rey Cuyos, of the Homicide Section of the city police, said witnesses had already identified the alleged assailants, Joel “alias Mongkoy” Abas and Kenneth Tanilon, who were residents of sitio Olivo.

Witnesses told the police that Abas approached Rafada and drew a gun but the brother of the victim, who was watching the game, saw it and parried the gun away.

This resulted in a commotion as the victim’s brother and Abas were grappling for possession of the gun.

Tanilon, however, also appeared with a gun, causing the people scamper but left Rafada an unprotected target.

Just as the people got farther from the scene, they heard two gunshots, prompting them to return to check. There they saw Rafada already lying on the ground, bloodied. They tried to carry him but, some 50 meters away, they noticed Rafada already dead.

Investigators gathered that the suspects were close friends of a man, a certain Edot, who reportedly got into a fight with Rafada during a basketball game last April.  Edwin Ian Melecio/RAE

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