
Freeman Cebu Lifestyle

Giving color to women's lives

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CEBU, Philippines - The bullets of lipsticks, hues of eye makeup, flaunt of mascara and scent of fragrances enhance the femininity of every woman. As the company for women, Avon colors women’s lives, and it’s not limited to products alone. The same company that spotlights women‘s issues with its breast cancer and domestic   violence   awareness   advocacies   also   gives women earning opportunities that promote independence and self-confidence.

Just like the varied products Avon offers to beautify every woman, there are as many earning opportunities for women to seize. Women measure self-fulfillment differently. For some, it’s building their own family, venturing into career opportunities, or changing people’s lives. For others, it is managing their own time by having their own business that transforms lives. With Avon as partner, the challenges that go into starting a business are managed and the first step begins by entering an Avon branch. The company rewards your passion and determination with life-changing earning opportunities.

Avon Sales Leaders find self-fulfillment by striking a balance between work and family, delivering quality service to customers, and inspiring Avon Representatives to further their growth with Avon’s wide spectrum of beauty products, fashion jewelry, accessories and intimate apparel.

Michelle Ulep from Edsa, Rita de Ocampo from Cabanatuan and Flordeliza Haspe from Davao are all top Avon Sales Leaders. They are living testaments of the success, self-fulfillment and confidence that Avon careers and earning opportunities bring.

Michelle ULEP:  Avon gives women independence

Michelle shares, “After I got married, I lost a lot of my independence which made me feel insecure. Joining Avon gave me the opportunity to make a living without having to leave home. As I began earning on my own, I slowly gained back my confidence,” she recalls. “I was inspired by my mother who found fulfillment from being able to contribute to the family with her Avon business. I hope to inspire other women in the same way.”

Being an Avon Sales Leader has truly awakened her entrepreneurial spirit and now Michelle has even delved into another lucrative business like opening her own computer shop. She adds, “Start your own Avon business as early as now to open yourself to a whole new spectrum of opportunities.”

Rita De Ocampo: Avon provides the perfect solution

Cabanatuan-based Sales Leader Rita dreamt of a low-capital business opportunity that would allow her to manage her own time and make her family’s life more comfortable.

She shares, “The only thing I had was my drive in pursuing a life-changing career. I heard from neighbors and friends that Avon provided a solution.” Rita emphasizes that “With Avon, you can choose your own path and steer your career to achieve your dreams.”

Rita mentions that the great thing about the Avon Earnings Opportunity is that you make of it what you want. Whatever your goal may be, you adjust your personal investment of time and effort accordingly.   Being an Avon Representative empowers women to run a business in a way that works for their lifestyle. Some Representatives choose to make Avon their full-time career. Others choose to do it part-time along with taking care of their children or working a part-time job.

Flordeliza Haspe: Avon is a career inheritance

Avon has been empowering women for 31 years now, transforming the lives of generations of women. Most of the Franchise Dealers’ inspiration in joining the company is their mothers.

Flordeliza, for one, grew up helping her Avon Sales Leader mother organize and collect finances for their business. At a young age, she witnessed how Avon could change lives and open new doors to women joining the company. This is what made her join Avon right after graduation.

“I was determined to provide my own family the same comforts my mother gave us,” Flordeliza shares. “At first, my priority was providing my children the basic needs—feeding them properly, dressing them warmly and giving them a house they could call their own. Now, 19 years after joining Avon, I can proudly say that we have more than enough.”

The legacy is alive in Flordeliza’s two children. One is still in high school but is already an Avon Representative while the other has followed her mother’s footsteps and became an Avon Representative right after graduation.

For years, these Sales Leaders have thrived and enjoyed colorful tomorrows. Through hard work and perseverance and with Avon as a business partner, every woman can be like them – fulfilled, empowered and successful. Avon has introduced a more extensive color spectrum to their lives. As they all declare, “Now is the time to take your first step to a brighter tomorrow. Now is the time to join Avon!”

For   more  information  on Avon’s earning opportunities log on to www.avon.com.ph.

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