Tea O'clock at the Marco Polo Hotel

CEBU, Philippines – The launching of Tea O’clock, an introduction to the world of Twinings of London made the tea of the moment. Greeted by the welcoming PR gal Belle Lumapas, Marco Polo Hotel’s General Manager Hans Hauri and Media Communications Manager Aileen Quijano, we were introduced to the perfect cup presented by Twinings product manager Kay Gervacio and marketing director Ina Pineda.

Having been made familiar with many exciting specialities and recipes, I sampled the Raspberry Iced Tea and Pineapple Shake – a tea-licious recipe for a massive tea drinker like me! Treats on the side included chicken empanaditas, light salads, adobo sandwiches, fried wanton and fruit tarts. The event concluded with a raffle of tea sets, as well as other take-me-home presents.

Absolutely tea for thought, I have been reminded of the original Twinings 300-year-old tiny flagship store and museum located at 216 Strand in London, opposite the Royal Courts of Justice. Until then, happy tea drinking!

Fast Facts: (Ten Tips for the perfect cup of tea)

1. Only use fresh, high quality tea – Loose tea or tea bags should be kept in an airtight container and should be consumed within a few weeks at best

2. Use fresh hot water – Too hot or reheated water could impair both its taste and flavour

3. Ensure to have a clean teapot with no stains – to avoid having a bitter tea taste

4. Warm your pot – rinse thoroughly with hot water just before use

5. Use the right amount of tea – one teaspoon for loose tea or one tea bag in a mug or small pot

6. Brewing – do not overbrew your tea; standard time is at least 2 minutes or 5 minutes at most

7. Stir before serving – three times one way and vice-versa

8. Serve directly – don’t let your tea wait

9. Rinse your teapot after use – with cold water and without the use of detergent

10. Experiment with your preferred blend – to distinguish your true tea taste

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