Government vows to fully enforce eCommerce Act

As the Philippines is heading towards becoming the Global player in Information Communication Technology (ICT), the government vows to fully implement the eCommerce Act as soon as possible, to further invite ICT related investments and at the same time protect the homegrown ICT companies.

"We (government) commit to the full implementation of the eCommerce Act cognizant that many of the industry’s concerns may be addressed by the effective implementation of the R.A. 8792," said Trade secretary Juan B. Santos in his recent visit to Cebu.

One of the priorities upon the full implementation of the eCommerce Act is the data security/privacy issues he said this should be well guarded as this may be considered as the country’s leverage.

"As lead implementing agency, DTI shall endeavor to create an information friendly environment which supports and ensures the availability, diversity and affordability of ICT products and services," Santos said.

As the country is moving towards attracting the sophisticated services in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), such as confidential back-office works, accounting, medical transcription, human resource, legal processing, and others, Santos said there is a need to fast track the installment of security platform in data transfer.

"I am taking on the challenge as your eCommerce czar-a mandate given to DTI under the law. My goals shall be-to boost domestic trade; promote the ICT sector and sustain confidence, and pursue e-governance measures," said Santos who sits as DTI chief in the last four months.

Significantly, he stressed that as the Philippines poises itself as a major player in the IT-Enabled Services (ITES) sector, it recognizes that there exists a need to work together with neighbor countries in order to capitalize on the total ITES global market.

He mentioned that American and European companies are still the main drivers of outsourcing demand. United States leads with a 63 percent share of the market spread across 10 business functions.

Europe on the other hand, comes next with 22 percent. The Asia Pacific market, even as it represents the smallest market at 15 percent, also happens to be the fastest growing.

Santos called on the active participation of other sectors, as the government is ready to support the "star" industry-ICT in the Philippine economy.

"We must work together to sustain our momentum. The combined resources of our Governments and private sector will render Asia as the fastest growing service provider," he emphasized.

He said in the Philippines "the stage is set". Notable are the country’s considerable strengths-the quality of human resources, competitive infrastructure, cultural affinity with the west and continuous government support.

He added that these strengths, if properly harnessed, should sustain the country in the long run.

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