Globe Business helps spur IT-BPO industry

MANILA, Philippines - Globe Business has lent its support to the Business Processing Association of the Philippines (BPAP) to help find ways to avert a looming talent supply gap and help spur the local IT-BPO industry to higher growth levels.

More than 76 human resource leaders and managers from 61 IT and business process (BP) players attended the recent BPAP HR Forum.

The forum, themed “Call to Action,” gathered HR leaders to discuss key talent development programs being developed by industry players, the government, academe and training institutions, and being spearheaded by BPAP, its member associations, the Commission on Higher Education, Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, and the Department of Science and Technology’s ICT Office.

The local IT-BPO industry posted $11 billion in revenues last year, up 24 percent year-on-year and way above BPAP’s projected annual growth rates.

The industry also chalked up a 22 percent increase in the number of jobs, employing an additional 638,000 workers.

However, for the industry to meet its growth targets, as outlined in BPAP’s 2016 roadmap, an additional 1.1 million employees will be needed to hit the accelerated growth target of $25 billion in revenues.

Local industry players have crafted nine talent development programs and initiatives to attract, recruit, and develop fresh talent.

These include the Global Competitive Assessment Tool (GCAT), an online test that assesses basic skills and abilities identified as relevant to sustaining an individual in a career with the IT-BPO industry; and the Advanced English Proficiency Training, a two-week course aimed at improving English proficiency.

“In order to sustain and thrive in the increasingly competitive IT-BPO industry, there is a need for greater collaboration between BPAP, the government, private sectors and the academe. We at Globe Business will continue to support BPAP and the entire industry, and help them in reaching the goals of the 2016 roadmap and in promoting a globally competitive Philippines for BPO organizations,” said Jesus Romero, Globe Business head and BPAP director.

Globe Business is relentless in its commitment to support the Philippines’ BPO sector. It has been a long-time enabler and technology partner of large enterprises in the offshoring and outsourcing sector, providing them with international and domestic connectivity that supports the Philippines’ telecom advantage as a destination of choice for the world’s top BPO companies.

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