Zen Institute offers Carbon Laser treatment

MANILA, Philippines - Preparing for a party and hesitant to wear a sexy dress because of your skin problems? Tired of always using concealers on your face?

Now the solution is just within reach, through a technology brought to the country by a renowned dermatologist and a medical doctor who gets regular international training on state-of-the-art anti-aging and aesthetic solutions, Dr. Mary Jane Torres.

Torres, Zen Institute founding president, said, “We now have the most effective solution for you. We just launched at Zen Institute the FDA-approved technology Carbon Laser, which is unparalleled in what it can do to make your skin look young and flawless in short treatments with hardly any pain.”

She added: “With its direct energy beam that is evenly distributed from the center to the edge of the beam using its Top-Hat Mode, enabling safe and secure dermal pigmentation treatment, among others, is the most effective and unique non-ablative laser skin rejuvenation technology.”

Torres said Carbon Laser “improves skin tone, and in no time at all, you can say goodbye to blemishes, freckles, age spots, and nevus. This no-downtime technology solution also brightens skin tone and smoothens fine lines by stimulating collagen production.”

She gave assurance that the treatment is comfortable, with only a warm slight pricking sensation. “We apply a topical anesthetics ointment prior to treatment of any skin surface in order to allay any discomfort. Carbon Laser does not just give you an effective solution to your problem, it also saves you time, as the procedure takes only from five to 10 minutes,” she said.

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