Horti Asia 2012 in Bangkok

MANILA, Philippines - Thailand’s NCC Exhibition Organizer Co. Ltd. (NEO), supported by the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB), will be holding from May 9 to 11 this year Horti ASIA 2012, the first horticulture and floriculture production and processing technology exhibition in the ASEAN region, at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC) in Bangkok, Thailand.

Horti ASIA 2012 aims to support the fast growing horticultural and floricultural industries in the ASEAN region, highlighting the most up-to-date and groundbreaking industry inputs, technologies and alliances as well as encouraging awareness in the industry.

NEO’s general manager Ladda Mongkolchaiwiwat said in a recent Philippine press conference, “The collaboration of Thailand and Philippines in Horti ASIA 2012 can help stimulate market growth between both our countries and promote exchange of new technologies and innovations. The Philippine’s Department of Agriculture is a main supporter of 20 related government and private companies who will be part of the Philippine Pavilion at Horti ASIA 2012 in Bangkok.”

Mrs. Supawan Teerarat, exhibitions director of the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) said, “Horti ASIA 2012 is the central market place for horticulture, fruit and floriculture trade between ASEAN and international counterparts as well as a platform for the entire horticultural supply-chain development in Southeast Asia. As a government agency, TCEB has strongly rendered full support to attract government national pavilions from the ASEAN plus six countries. The presence of national pavilions will affirm and propel the positioning of Thailand as an ASEAN exhibition platform in preparation for the ASEAN Economic Community which will conglomerate in 2015.”

Horti ASIA 2012 will welcome 150 exhibitors and 8,000 trade visitors from over the world. The event is also aimed to be a platform for technological transfer within ASEAN and international markets in terms of helping ASEAN growers and exporters to improve their production standard as well as competiveness in the global market. Seminars and other interactive activities will also provide more resources for Philippines and other ASEAN countries to help their farmers, entrepreneurs and exporters to sustainably adapt their agribusiness to respond to global competition.

Horti ASIA 2012 is supported by Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau, AVRDC the World Vegetable Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Department of Export Promotion, Tourism Authority of Thailand, Horticultural Science Society of Thailand, Thai Fruit & Vegetable Producer Association, Thai Orchid Exporters Association, Thai Ornamental Plant Society, Thai Seed Trade Association, and Thai Airways International. For more information about Horti ASIA 2012, please contact N.C.C. Exhibition Organizer (NEO) at +66-2-203-4260-4 or lertwat@Qsncc.com or chootham.tan@Qsncc.com, or visit www.hortiasia.net.

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