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‘Kariton Girl’ Melinda De Vera: A True Story For the first 18 years of her life, Melinda de Vera lived in a wooden box — literally. Together with her mother Liwayway and niece Mona Lisa, they lived in a kariton...
Balikbayan with a heart of gold There are two kinds of people in this world: the talkers and the doers. Unfortunately, most of our elected officials are talkers. This is why so little gets done in our country.
Pursuing passion I was in awe watching the Williams sisters —Venus and Serena outplay, out-wit, and outdo each other on the tennis court last Saturday ...
We only have today How do you measure the passing of a year? Do you start counting 365 days, 8,760 hours or 525,600 minutes?
The pains and pleasures of air travel I don’t know very many people who actually like airline food. But, I love it! I don’t know what it is about...
Poor man... rich man What is it about the Filipino worker that sets him apart from his contemporaries abroad?
One silver moment Each one of us has a reason for being here. But destiny has brought us together for one reason — to bring home a medal for our country, to make our families proud,...
No pain, all gain It’s been years since I last saw her. We graduated from the Ateneo University in 1995 and she has since gotten married. Now Mrs. Carmen Jimenez-Ong, I was amazed,...
Never lose yourself It could be from watching too much Oprah, or the thought of hitting 30 in the not-too-distant future.
Alone but not lonely in Spain Costa del Sol, Spain — There is something liberating about not knowing where to go. No plan. Yes, you read that right.
Ah, chocolate! Sooo great! BRUSSELS, Belgium — One of the best (and worst) things about being in Belgium is the easy access to some of the world’s...
Ah, chocolate! Sooo great! BRUSSELS, Belgium — One of the best (and worst) things about being in Belgium is the easy access to some of the world’s...
Bangkok Envy (Part I) I spent a few days in Bangkok, Thailand in between Christmas and New Year’s Day. At the check-in counter in the new wing of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport,...
Power at Christmas, wishes for the New Year By now, all the Christmas presents have been opened. Wrapping paper in multitude of colors and ribbons delicately tied around boxes of all shapes and sizes sit in the trash bin or the recycled-items cupboard.
We got game – lots of ’em! I was walking through a crowded mall the other day when someone tapped me on the shoulder, but when I turned around I did not recognize a familiar face.
Shooting hoops to shore up hope He lives 7,300 miles across the Pacific Ocean, but in the last four years, Francis Padua-Papica has sent over 50 underprivileged kids to school in his home province of Bicol.
Lens is more At the recent book launching of the much-talked about masterpiece of two of the country’s celebrated professional artists - make-up genius Patrick Rosas and...
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