Samsam to file bill converting prov'l roads

CEBU, Philippines – Cebu First District Representative Gerald Anthony "Samsam" Gullas will be prioritizing the of filing a bill for the conversion of provincial roads into national road networks by next year in order to fast-track economic development in his district.

Cebu's first district is comprised of the cities of Talisay, Naga and Carcar and the municipalities of Minglanilla, San Fernando and Sibonga.

"I plan to pass bills that would make certain provincial roads into national roads preferably roads connecting the first district and the third district," Gullas said, adding that the conversion of the provincial roads into national roads will also mean jobs for thousands of laborers.

He said when construction of the roads is finished, transporting goods and services to the people will be much easier.

One of the advantages of converting thoroughfares to national roads, Gullas said, is that it guarantees his constituents that they would be entitled to funds from the national government.

As national roads, there is bigger budget for maintenance making for better road access for vegetable trading and marketing and for the mobility of people.

One of the requirements for the conversion of local roads to national roads is a resolution of endorsement from the local government units.

Gullas, the youngest member of the 16th Congress and the grandson of veteran lawmaker Eduardo Gullas, boasted that in his first year, he had filed various bills for his district and is being a co-author of the bill that seeks to automatically provide college scholarship to the top 10 graduates of every public high school in the country.

"On the local side, I also passed a bill on the creation of a fish port in Minglanilla and Carcar becoming a cultural heritage zone," Gullas said.

According to Gullas, the creation of a fish port in Minglanilla is now on the third reading and the main concern right now is the budget. He said the establishment of a fish port is now closer to becoming a reality because two committees in the House of Representatives recommended for the approval of the bill.

The Committee on Aquaculture and Fisheries Resources headed by Cebu Fourth District Representative Benhur Salimbangon and the Committee on Appropriations headed by Davao City Representative Isidro Ungab have pushed for the approval of House Bill 2093.

Minglanilla town is considered a major hub of fishing activity in the Province of Cebu. It supplies fish and other marine products not only to its town but to neighboring cities of Naga and Carcar, as well as the town of San Fernando.

Gullas said the bill proclaiming the Carcar City a national cultural heritage zone is now pending at the House Committee on Basic Education and Culture chaired by Pangasinan Representative Kimi Cojuangco.

Moreover, the first termer congressman is also working on the establishment of tertiary education in his district, which is as among his priority bills that he would file at the Lower House next year.

"(I will be lobbying for) tertiary education that's affordable and in close proximity in the first district," said Gullas.

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