ALU-TUCP: Additional tax relief long overdue

CEBU, Philippines – The Associated Labor Unions-Trade Union Congress of the Philippines welcomed the additional tax break granted by the national government to minimum wage earners.

ALU-TUCP spokesperson Art Barrit said the P10,000 additional tax relief has been long overdue.

“It’s a long overdue tax relief demanded by the ordinary workers.  It’s a welcome development that the government gave respite to the ordinary workers. We have been clamoring for this tax exemption,” Barrit said.

The P10,000 tax break for minimum wage earners took effect yesterday after President Benigno Aquino III approved the new guidelines set by the Department of Finance and the Department of Labor and Employment.

Minimum wage earners can now enjoy a maximum tax exemption of up to P104, 225 from P94,225.

Barrit said that the “de minimis” tax benefits granted by the Aquino administration will surely increase the take-home pay of the workers.

Barrit said that the vaunted economic growth rate in the country does not trickle down to the ordinary workers.

“The promise made by the administration that the best is yet to come is still a dream for the workers,” he said.

Barrit explained that the amount is negligible compared to the billions of pesos lost to corrupt government officials, tax evasion, and smuggling.

“We urged the government to run after the tax evaders and smugglers in order to give justice to the taxes paid by the ordinary workers be it in private or public sector,” Barrit stressed. — (FREEMAN)


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