CITOM wants new trucks for its towing operations

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu City Traffic Operations Management is planning to intensify the towing of illegally-parked vehicles in roads and sidewalks in the city, including those in barangay access roads.

CITOM executive officer Rafael Christopher Yap said he will request Mayor Michael Rama for the purchase of two additional tow trucks to augment their only tow truck that was purchased back in 1997 yet.

Yap said CITOM will be coordinating with the barangay officials to identify the roads within their territorial jurisdictions that will be prioritized in the clearing operations of illegally-parked vehicles, particularly at night.

Mayor Michael Rama said he will always support whatever recommendations of his department heads if it is for the good of the public.

According to Yap the revival of the towing operations of illegally-parked vehicles will be made to ensure the safety of the general public because vehicles parked beside the roads at night may obstruct the passage of fire trucks and ambulances during emergency cases.

Yap, however, said while he wants to revive the towing of illegally-parked vehicles, he is against the city entering into contracts with private towing companies because the public may think that the city is making a business out of illegal parking.

He said he observed several public transport vehicles that are just parked in roads at night and he is wondering why the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board granted franchises to vehicles that do not have garages.

The towing of vehicles that obstruct the flow of traffic and sidewalks was intensified during the term of former mayor Tomas Osmeña, but it was suspended when Rama assumed as mayor in 2010.

A group of motorists against the towing of vehicles was organized and it was headed by Tinago Barangay Councilman Joel Garganera who believed clamping vehicles is a better way to discourage illegal parking.

If the vehicles are clamped, its owners will just pay the P500 fine and settle any other unpaid accounts with the Traffic Violations Bureau, but if the vehicles are towed the owners will also pay the towing fee.

Towing fees for motorcycles is P1,500 while close to P3,000 for the four-wheeled vehicles. –(FREEMAN)

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