Cards gain quarters

MANILA, Philippines - Unbeaten Mapua Tech A smothered Informatics, 77-57, and clinched the first quarterfinal berth with its eighth straight win in the fifth Fr. Martin Collegiate Open Cup at the Arellano U Gym.

Reigning NCAA champion San Sebastian bounced back from its loss to the Cardinals last week as it blasted Emilio Aguinaldo, 87-58, even as Letran downed Lyceum, 90-85, and STI trounced Mapua Tech B, 59-57.

The event, held in honor of long-time RP basketball secretary-general and Ateneo Jesuit priest Fr. Edgar Martin, is organized by Ato Badolato, Joey Lim and Kurt de Guzman with Aric and Lester del Rosario as commissioners.

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