Inside out

[Jesus] said, "What comes out of a man, that defiles a man."
— Mark 7:20

While giving a sermon, missionary Hudson Taylor filled a glass with water and placed it on a table in front of him. As he was speaking, he pounded his fist hard enough to make the water splash onto the table. He then explained, "You will come up against much trouble. But when you do, remember, only what’s in you will spill out."

That’s worth thinking about, isn’t it? When we are mistreated or misunderstood, how do we respond? With loving words, patience, and kindness? Or are we inclined to retaliate in anger?

In Ephesians 4:25-32, we see the contrast between what a person is before he is saved and what he is afterward. When we live under the control of the Holy Spirit, we will show it by the way we react to the jolting trials and temptations of life. How we respond to trying, embarrassing situations that are suddenly thrust upon us is a good test of how much we have grown in grace.

It is possible to suppress frustration and anger, and to appear undisturbed to people around us. But if our heart is full of the Savior’s love, we will respond to the jostling of an unexpected trial with genuine patience and kindness. Like a full glass of water, what’s inside of us will spill over on the outside. — Richard De Haan

Lord, help me flee all sin and shame,

Lest I disgrace Your holy name;

And may I live so others see

The Savior’s love revealed in me.— D. De Haan

READ: Ephesians 4:25-32

When trouble grows, your character shows.

The Bible in one year:

• Leviticus 23-24

• Mark 1:1-22

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