Bending over backwards

The French Prime Minister Nicolas Sarkozy has taken a brave stance in stating that the wearing of burkas, that hooded garment that completely covers a woman’s face and body, with only a netted vision port for seeing through, is not welcome in their country. They see the burka as an object of repression and subservience, wherein a woman’s dignity is lowered.

France has a staunchly secular constitution, and anything that has to do with any religion is tacitly banned or discouraged. The Nazi swastika is another good example of a symbol that is still outlawed in Europe today. Forcing its display simply will not do.

I for one cannot forget when the burka was made known to the world, when the Taliban of Afghanistan hogged the news. That video where a man shot a woman in a burka while she was on the ground has fueled my rage for many nights.

When Afghanistan was initially freed of the Taliban, many women discarded the burka and were more than happy to be free of it. Although some still wore the traditional garment out of tradition, even of fear should the Taliban ever come back. Such was the grip of religious fanaticism.

With this pronouncement of the French Prime Minister, the expected criticism and protests from the Muslim world came forth.

But here is where I have an issue. Why must the whole world bend over backwards every time, if only not to offend the fanatic Muslims of the world? Aren’t foreigners also subject to the religious laws of countries such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Iran and Iraq when in those countries? From the veils, to the dress codes, to the food. If a Muslim travels to a non-Muslim country, is he forced to eat pork?

As an international traveler myself, I have to be aware of the cultural no-nos of a certain country, so I do not disrespect the people I have to deal with. So why can’t Muslims accept this stand of France?

People talk of tolerance, which is supposed to be a two-way street. But it seems when Muslims are involved, it is always at our tolerance alone. Is it because of what they are capable of in the form of terror?

We have seen what these Islamic fanatics can do to innocent people of the world. We have seen it in our own backyard. This should not be a sword of Damocles over the heads of the whole world.

I know many Muslims who understand the meaning of tolerance. They are God-fearing, law-abiding people who want nothing more than to live in peace and harmony with everyone. After all, what is religion but one’s personal relationship with God?

These I differ with those who want nothing more than to destroy whoever does not subscribe to their beliefs, their way of life.

If you ask me, these are the ones who should be wearing the hoods, so they may be easily identified and shun. These are the people who warrant discrimination.

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