MMDA to lead metro mayors in Tokyo tour

MANILA, Philippines - Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) Chairman Francis Tolentino will lead a group of at least 14 mayors on an observation tour in Tokyo from March 15 to March 19.

Tolentino said the observation tour was on the invitation of the Tokyo metropolitan government.

“Upon invitation of Tokyo metropolitan government. (It) will touch upon variety of pressing urban issues like traffic management, urban planning and the Tokyo disaster management system,” said Tolentino.

Tolentino said the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will also present its proposal for the Metro Manila subway system.

In addition, the metro mayors joining the tour will also attend the 3rd United Nations World Conference on disaster risk reduction and climate change mitigation initiatives in Sendai, Japan.

The participating mayors will also be oriented on Tokyo’s early and adult education practices and on the Tokyo Fire Department system.

Tolentino could not say how many mayors will be joining the tour as many have yet to secure their visas.

“All metro mayors will pay for their own travel. They will meet the governor of Tokyo and will discuss possible cultural and city to city initiatives between Tokyo and Metro Manila cities,” said Tolentino.

In addition, the metro mayors and Tokyo local executives will also discuss possible donations of Tokyo Fire trucks and will discuss possible employment opportunities of Metro Manila nurses to Tokyo.

The Tokyo municipal government, the Metro Manila local governments and the MMDA are members of the Asian network of major urban centers, Tolentino said.

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