Pacquiao promises fresh start for Sarangani

MALUNGON, Sarangani, Philippines – Rain failed to dampen the enthusiasm of thousands of local folk who trooped to the municipal gym compound here Saturday night for the proclamation rally of the People’s Champ Movement (PCM) of congressional aspirant Manny Pacquiao.

It was Pacquiao’s turn to speak when the skies opened up, and rain fell. The crowd broke up but only to seek temporary shelter under roof eaves and in the gym.

When the rain let up several minutes later, the crowd gathered up again, and Pacquiao rose to a thunderous ovation.

“First of all, I would like to thank the good Lord for giving us rain. Second, I would like to thank you for your unstinting support to all my previous fights. I hope you will continue to help me in the coming election,” said Pacquiao in Cebuano.

He promised a fresh start for Sarangani, after years of what he described as the misrule of the Chiongbian-Domingquez clique, which has dominated local politics since the province came into being in 1992.

It was carved out of the then third congressional district of South Cotabato, comprising the towns of Malungon, Alabel, Malapatan and Glan in the second district, and Maasim, Kiamba and Maitum in the first district.

“Eighteen years since its creation, Sarangani remains the poorest of the country’s poor provinces despite its rich natural resources and industrious people. All that is going to change if you elect me your congressman,” Pacquiao told the crowd, which police estimated at 15,000.

PCM gubernatiorial bet Juan Domino said it was, by far, the biggest crowd he has seen since he entered local politics in 1998, when he ran for congressman against Lucille Solon, sister of Roy Chiongbian, Pacquiao’s opponent in the congressional race.

Domino won the balloting but was unable to assume the post after the Supreme Court upheld the Commission on Elections, which disqualified him for lack of residency.

A successful businessman and prominent civic leader, Domino is running on a program to promote eco-tourism and agri-business in Malungon, attract business and industries in the capital town of Alabel, develop agriculture and tourism in Malapatan and Glan, and provide modern facilities and adequate protection for small fishermen in Maasim, Kiamba and Maitum.

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