Lite fantastic

It’s a well-known fact that everyone loves things that are light especially when it comes to keeping fit. There are a lot of interesting "lite" products on the market today like lite beer, lightly-salted potato chips, and even lite doughnuts. We just don’t need those extra calories and pounds.

Century Tuna recognizes this fact. The country’s leading canned tuna brand recently launched a new product – Century Tuna Lite – at M Café in Greenbelt.

For the event, dubbed a "Night of Pure Delite," guests sampled Century Tuna Lite dishes like Nicoise salad, tuna with pomelo tartlets, Vietnamese wraps and mousse profiteroles. Featured performer Sitti sang bossa nova tunes.

"We are very excited to launch the new Century Tuna Lite. Your favorite super-meat is now lighter and healthier," said Ayet Evangelista, Century Tuna marketing manager. "This new tuna variant was made especially for health buffs to keep them fit and active."

Highlighting the event was a fashion show featuring Kate Torralba’s latest collection. The brand chose Torralba because she is a young, hip, and very talented designer.

For Torralba’s "Lite and White" collection, she decided to use light, sheer, and organic white fabric that breathes. She embellished her dresses with crochet and embroidery for a resort feel. Just imagine Greek goddesses dressed in sultry outfits.

In creating laid-back men’s wear, Torralba focused on relaxed pieces for men like snuggly pants that oozed with sex appeal. White never goes out of style, noted the designer. She created 24 pieces that were modeled by Century Tuna Superbods winners (and new image models) Jon Mullally and Michelle Padua, as well as other participants. What a short, sweet and ethereal collection!

Seafood, we learned at the press event, contains omega 3 fatty acid or healthy fat, which promotes normal blood pressure, eliminates body fat deposits, and maintains an ideal weight. Dig this, the tuna from Century Tuna Lite comes from General Santos and is made with 50 percent less fat and 50 percent less salt. Everything is natural because it does not have preservatives.

Evangelista concludes, "We wanted to be part of that trend and give consumers a product that promotes a healthy lifestyle. Soon, there will be a new variant with zero fat. Century Tuna keeps on developing new products not only to promote a healthy lifestyle but also to expand the market. But it’s more than that. It’s a ‘lite’ style."
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