Holiday hip!

Ladies are having a field day purchasing their Yuletide fashion this year. Not only has there been healthy competition among clothing retailers to produce the best “bang for your buck” fashion, the influx of stretch satin, chiffon and silk material has ensured women of all shapes and sizes of an ideal fit.

There are, however, a few fashion no-no’s that women should avoid for this season:

1.) Don’t go over board with the layering. Yes, December is one of the cooler months of the year but unless you are traveling to Baguio, please refrain from piling on your inner blouse, outer blouse, blazer and overcoat (reality check: tropical country pa rin tayo!).

2.) Don’t try to compete with your Christmas tree. The famous designer Coco Chanel advised that when accessorizing, a woman should take off the last piece of jewelry she put on. This is very good advice as there are still many women who pile on their jewelry as though they are reliving their gypsy costume of last Halloween. If your outfit already has detail, keep your accessories simple. If you are wearing a streamlined outfit, choose one accent piece and keep the rest of the jewelry sparse and simple.

3.) Do not show off too much skin. Ladies, may I remind you that this season is meant to anticipate the birth of our Lord Jesus! Suppress the impulse to bring out those high, high mini-skirts and plunging-to-the-navel dresses. Go for that sleeveless shift dress if you wish. Always remember that you can never go wrong with being elegant.

4.) Being under- or over-dressed. Read your invitations carefully: casual chic does not mean satin gown and cocktail does not mean jeans. This may sound elementary and obvious but you will be surprised at how many people are clueless when it comes to deciphering dress codes. When in doubt, call the host or hostess to find out.

Photography by Joanne Zapanta-Andrada • Hair and makeup by Raz Rimor of Moreshine (0927-757-9488) • Model: Julia Sniegowski • All clothes by Viola, available in SM

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