Evacuated Sudan OFWs to get 100k humanitarian assistance

This photo shows overseas Filipino workers being evacuated out of Sudan.
Facebook / Department of Migrant Workers

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Migrant Workers said overseas Filipino workers will be getting P100,000 worth of humanitarian aid to help them start anew once they get back home. 

This is on top of the $200 financial assistance given to them when they were evacuated to Egypt from Sudan.

“The initial P50,000 will be coming from the DMW, which is a direct aid to the worker, and another P50,000 will be given by OWWA to the families of the workers,” Migrant Workers Secretary Susan “Toots” Ople said in a streamed press briefing while in Washington DC. 

Ople added that the Philippines is also working with Saudi Arabia and the United States in helping displaced OFWs look for other job opportunities. The DMW is also meeting with Saudi’s Ministry of Human Resource and Social Development this month to discuss the opportunities. 

The department is collecting background information of the displaced OFWs “to identify necessary support and assistance interventions, including reintegration and redeployment options,” the DMW said in a statement on Thursday. 

A batch of 74 repatriated Filipinos from Sudan arrived on Thursday afternoon, while another group is expected  of 83 are expected to arrive on Friday.

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