1 million jabbed despite vax suspension

Residents wait for their turn to get a shot of Sinovac vaccine at the cinema area of a mall in Antipolo City on Aug. 24, 2021.
The STAR / Michael Varcas

MANILA, Philippines — Close to one million Filipinos have received COVID-19 jabs despite the suspension of the government’s national vaccination program in 11 regions, the Department of Health (DOH) reported yesterday.

Citing initial reports from the different regions, Health Undersecretary Myrna Cabotaje said a total of 953,624 vaccine doses were administered on the first day of the “Bayanihan Bakunahan 2.”

“That’s 83.7 percent on Day 1 of the vaccination drive,” Cabotaje said at a public briefing.

She said the bulk of vaccines administered were in the National Capital Region and Cordillera Administrative Region. Vaccinations were also done in Calabarzon, Cagayan Valley, Central Luzon and Ilocos region.

“Other regions continued their vaccination drive despite the suspension,” Cabotaje said.

Out of 1,634 cities and municipalities covered by the suspension, Cabotaje said 388 proceeded with the vaccination.

The government pushed back the national vaccination drive in several regions due to Typhoon Odette.

Cabotaje remains optimistic that the government will be able to achieve its target to inoculate seven million people during the second phase of the vaccination drive.

Unlike in the first round of vaccination, Cabotaje said there were no reports of overcrowding and people being sent home.

Although people can choose their preferred vaccine brand, Cabotaje advised recipients to get whatever vaccines are available for first and second doses.

Single-shot Janssen vaccines will be deployed to far-flung areas so that there is no more need for them to go back for the second dose, she said.

About 2.7 million children have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Cabotaje stressed the importance for the adult population to get inoculated to protect children not yet covered by the vaccination program. – Neil Jayson Servallos

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