'Cabinet revamp a continuing process'

The Cabinet reorganization is a continuing process that President Estrada started last Jan. 8 and which he is implementing up to the present, Executive Secretary Ronaldo Zamora said yesterday.

Zamora also denied submitting a resignation letter to the Chief Executive last Wednesday following reports that Finance Secretary Jose Pardo would replace him.

However, he and the other Cabinet secretaries had given the President their letters of resignation last December, he added.

Although he plans to run again for Congress next year, Zamora told The STAR the decision depends on President Estrada, the head of Lapian ng Masang Pilipino (LAMP).

But observers said Zamora will not leave Malacañang now that he has consolidated his power after the removal of former chief of staff Aprodicio Laquian.

Earlier, the President appointed former Presidential Management Staff chief Secretary Leonora de Jesus as chairman of the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council.

Meanwhile, Presidential Spokesman Fernando Barican indicated his desire for a new assignment when he reported back to work yesterday after a two-week leave of absence.

Barican allowed Press Secretary Rodolfo Reyes to take charge of yesterday's press briefing, which he had done everyday before he went on vacation.

He told The STAR he has not talked with the President about his desire to be given a new assignment.

Barican said he and Reyes agree with Senate President Blas Ople that only one person should be press secretary and presidential spokesman.

During yesterday's press briefing, Tourism Secretary Gemma Cruz-Araneta said Cabinet secretaries are working as a team and brushed aside speculations that she is being eased out of the Cabinet.

She also reiterated that "certain quarters" are trying to discredit her "in the eyes" of President Estrada, and gave as example the $1 million her department received from Singapore Airlines as part of a promotional agreement.

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